5d9B_9x95YhVJtoUzPqSeH7uNgc.txt Secrets Behind Me: Stir Fry Vegetables with Noodles

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Stir Fry Vegetables with Noodles

Stir frying is an umbrella term used to describe two techniques for cooking food in a wok while stirring it: chǎo and bào . The term stir-fry was introduced into the English language by Buwei Yang Chao, in her book How to Cook and Eat in Chinese, to describe the chǎo technique.The two techniques differ in their speed of execution, the amount of heat used, and the amount of tossing done to cook the food in the wok. Cantonese restaurant patrons judge a chef's ability to perform stir frying by the "wok hei" produced in the food. This in turn is believed to display their ability to bring out the qi of the wok.
Two days ago while sorting out my things, my mouth craved something to eat. It wasn't fish, chicken, neither beef. Checking at the freeze which was full of vegetables and fruits. Suddenly, hits my mind to make a stir fry. And when I opened the cupboard to get some spices I saw some canton noodles. So, I added noodles to my stir fry that came out so perfect and delicious. It is my comfort food indeed. 

 This was before I add the noodles



Dhemz said...

awwwww...mau kau pagka balance imong food sis...naa pa diha?

Oil Paintings said...

The Dishes Looking Delicious & Yummy.

Hbeautytips8 said...

i love pancit